People of APSI


Certification/s and year achieved.

  • 1973: CSIA
  • 1976 or 77: APSI Fully certified
  • 1978: APSI Examiner

What was training with the APSI like when you achieved your certification and how would you compare it to current times?

I was in the first graduation. George Perry and I were the first examiners. I taught full time from 1973-1981.

Which Australian Snowsports School did/do you work with?

Thredbo under Erhater and Konrad 1974-81.


Did/do you also teach in the Northern Hemisphere and where?

6 seasons with Helmut Steinocker’s “Steins World Ski Tours” in USA. Also stints in Silverstar and Aviemore


What position/s did/do you hold in the APSI (include years held)?

A Founding member of ASIA 1974. Then President of ASIA as the northern division of APSI following the merger of the NSW and VIC organisations. I remained in a governance role until I had to leave the mountains after the 1981 season. 


Approximately how many members did/do the APSI have during your involvement?

I can look it up. I retain the original records.


What made/makes you most proud of the APSI at that time?

Being part of a brave group lead by Peter Clare which was determined to establish an Australian certification system at a time when Australian ski instructors were as rare as Austrian surfers. 

What important events happened during your time with the APSI?

  • Foundation
  • Amalgamation with VIC
  • Implementation of an international certificate course
  • Acceptance by the Australian Ski Areas Association
  • Partnership with DWA(ADSF)


With regard to your work with the APSI, what accomplishment/s are you most proud of? (share all that apply)

  • Being a founding member
  • One of 6 original graduates
  • Assisting Pichler Franz to write the first course manual
  • First examiner (1978) with George Perry
  • Office holder: treasurer following resignation of Tony Sponar; Pres of ASIA, following John MacDonald.
  • Being instrumental in the amalgamation with John Whitehouse of the 2 divisions.
  • Links with DWA (then ADSF) 


How did the above accomplishment/s change the APSI moving forward?

These accomplishments established the APSI.


Describe how the APSI compared/s to international instructor organisations at that time?

We deliberately designed a certificate based on a very tough skiing standard. This meant there were relatively few graduates in the first years. Hitherto Australian ski instructors were not recognised so graduates needed to demonstrate skiing prowess at least as proficient as established skiing nations.

How did/do international organisations view the APSI? Was/is there much communication/sharing of information between organisations?

In the formative years we engendered more support from the Austrian authorities than we received (initially) locally. I have correspondence with the Austrian ambassador and Professor Hopichler (Arlberg Ski School). All communication was by letter.


During your time with the APSI, who were some influential/inspiring people within the organisation?

  • Peter Clare - USA certified Thredbo instructor
  • Arnold Konrad - Thredbo school director
  • Franz Pichler - first course chief examiner, Perisher
  • Bill Foster - Perisher
  • John Whitehouse - Victoria
  • Albert van der Lee (NSW), Ian Hume (VIC), plus others - Ski Area chiefs


Please share a funny or interesting APSI story from your time with the APSI.

Many interesting stories; few funnies. It was a tough, obstacle strewn journey, which was no fun at the time. We were opposed internally and externally. For example in 1974 Peter Clare acquired the support of the Federal Minister of Labour and Immigration (Clyde Cameron).

Is there anything else that you think would be interesting to share about your time with the APSI?

I sense that my recollections/information may form a primary link between pre APSI and the present. After all it was pre digital and nothing could be assumed or taken for granted. In the absence of hard material things are easily forgotten. Photos would be rare from that period unless there was a designated photographer. I have written records and hold possibly the earliest badge design. An organisation’s history is the basis of its culture.